Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Better Late Than Never

The President stated, "The Time for Peace is Now", as he opened the Middle East Peace Summit currently being held at Camp David.

I certainly agree with that sentiment, but I can't help believing that the time for Peace in the Middle East was last week, last month and the last seven years too. While some would say, "Better late than never"....my reply would be "Better never late!"

Still, I'm happy the President seems to have finally recognized the need for fuitful negotiations, and I pray that this summit represents more than simply a half-hearted attempt by the Administration to garner publicity points.

Real negotiations involve a give-and-take process that demands flexibility on the part of all concerned and the courage and willingness to move from ideological positions that are set in stone, a stance heretofore not exhibited by the Bush Administration.

Here's to hoping for some genuine success!