Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hitler Cowardice in Bush Bunker

In the final days of the Hitler regime, the Butcher of Berlin sent out frequent radio broadcasts of the bellicose variety threatening his enemies with annihilation and warning his citizens that the allied attackers were criminals of the worse sort and should be resisted down to the last man, woman and child. In actuality, Hitler didn’t care one iota for the fate of the ordinary German citizen, as he was too obsessed with his own position, ideology and power. Days later, Hitler confirmed that fact when he undertook the ultimate act of cowardice – suicide.

In the waning months of his own failed administration, President Bush fires off a bellicose demand to Congress to fix the Alternative Minimum Tax, which this year will hit many taxpayers earning below $100,000, without paying for said tax relief by raising the taxes millionaires who were the very people the Alternative Minimum Tax was meant to target. He’s vowed to veto any congressional bill that makes a millionaire pay one penny more.

Nothing illustrates the cowardice of President Bush more than tax policy. Days ago, the President acted like a bellicose “Hitler Tough Guy” when he waxed on angrily about what he called the ‘irresponsible fiscal discipline of Democrats in Congress’, but as soon as Democrats showed fiscal discipline by requiring a tax cut for the middle class to be offset by a tax increase for the rich, the President’s true cowardice emerged as he confirmed that he too is only obsessed with his own position, ideology and power. Under Bush, Middle class Americans will be left to their own devices.

But that shouldn’t surprise anybody.

During his term in office, Bush refused to come to the aide of unemployed workers when unemployment was skyrocketing and benefits were set to expire. He demanded tax cuts for his rich supporters as the price for eventually extending benefits.

Bush refused to come to the aide of consumers when gas and power companies engaged in price gouging during times of disrupted supply. He demanded tax cuts and energy subsidies for energy company (his supporters) as the price for eventually agreeing to investigate price gouging, though nothing ever came of the investigations.

Bush refused to come to the aide of millions of Americans who saw their pensions eliminated or crippled via corporate raiding and mismanagement. He demanded lower corporate tax rates as the price for greater government oversight in corporate governance, though most rules initially promulgated have since been eliminated.

And now Bush refuses to come to the aid of middle class Americans without another financial windfall for his own wealthy friends. Like Hitler, Bush doesn’t care one iota for the fate of the ordinary citizen. It was cowardice back then. It is cowardice today.