Wednesday, November 14, 2007

AMERICA - changing together!

A lot of people scoffed when the first President Bush spoke of the need for a kinder, gentler nation, but you know, its hard to agree with the opposite notion that bickering is an efficient way of getting things done. And if fighting isn’t the answer, then finding ways of getting along, working together and establishing common ground are the keys to moving forward.

Did you ever watch a locksmith cut a key? They start with a medal blank and cut the grooves with a hard stone wheel. The medal blank doesn’t just change at the snap of a finger. There’s friction between the stone and medal. Sparks fly. But when the process is complete, the once useless blank is then able to unlock and open doors, start machinery and set progress in motion.

If America is going to learn how to change, we’re going to require several keys to do so. The keys we’ll need as both individuals and a nation are the willingness to listen to others, the willingness to understand and validate opposing viewpoints, the willingness to share our talents and resources for the betterment of all humankind and the willingness to make sacrifices in our own lives.