Monday, November 5, 2007

Monday Morning Wit & Wisdom

-Hang out with a Democrat. Democrats have more fun and you can always cancel out their vote.

-If you ever go looking for a man again, look for one with a well-tended garden. A meaningful life is a growing experience that requires an appreciation for the art of cultivation.

-If you date a guy with a flashy car and wreck it, ditch the guy who asks about the car first.

-You can admire a man whose overcome great odds to make something of himself; but not everyone can live with a Hitler.

-People who have been on teams that overcame great obstacles recognize the value of teamwork.

-Money may not always equal power, but it’s a pretty darn good metaphor of it.

-There is no clearer sign of danger than the words: “Just sign this!”

-Past foolishness is a luxury most of us can afford. Future foolishness tends to be more costly.

-Having money is not the same as being materialistic. You can be materialistic and have no money. Conversely, you can have money and not be materialistic.

-Where a person has been isn’t half as interesting as where they’re going.

-Keep going to school. A sagging intellect can’t be cured with plastic surgery.

-If you stand before the mirror in your room and don’t like what you see, breaking the mirror is a good start.

-At the end of a long tiring day a therapist should never go home to a patient.

-Rose-colored glasses only make the world look rosy.

-There isn’t a problem in this world that can’t be cured with a nice warm bath and a bowl of chocolate ice cream…except yours!

-Your home is where your slippers are now located…and they feel fuzzier with you in it.

-Start planning for the rest of your life today.

-FYI, any e-mail account can be set up to block mail from any e-mail address. Some accounts can be set up to accept mail only from those addresses you list as acceptable sources. There’s no law that says you have to accept mail.

-Telling the Emperor he’s naked is all a matter of courage.

-A bad marriage is one that you walk away from having learned nothing about yourself.

-The people who stand with you in a crisis are the real treasures in your life.

-If you’re looking for an effective, non-violent way to vent any anger or frustration you have towards your estrange spouse, try writing his or her name on the toilet paper in your bathroom.

-Buy tissues in bulk…if you’re going to cry, make sure it’s not over wasted money.

-Listen to yourself. You’ve got a wealth of wisdom and healing capacity inside.