Sunday, December 2, 2007

An Old Friend Drops By And Gives the Heave-Ho

Richard Roberts, president of Oral Roberts University, the religious university built by former televangelist, Oral Roberts, resigned his post this past week amidst accusations of financial improprieties and misuse of university funds for his own private purposes. That's old news.

What's new to the storyline is that Richard Robert remarked to a gathering of students that his resignation was prompted by a visit from God, who reportedly told the embattled University President to hang up his shoes.

Over the years, Mr. Roberts has boasted of a close personal relationship with God, intimating in the process, that there was something more special about his relationship with God, than say, your or my relationship with God. Oh, he'd deny that was the case, for sure, but if you've ever heard him speak, you can't miss the implication that God has elevated him above all others for work more important than anything you or I do.

What I want to know is this: If the (Reverend) Richard Roberts was speaking with God on a daily basis, why didn't the subject of Robert's thievery - which is what his financial shenanigans amounted to in moral terms - come up sooner? I'm not seeking to question God here, I'm just questioning the sincerity of a man who claims he's got a special "in" with God.

Believe me - there's a big difference!