Thursday, November 8, 2007

Comments On The Headlines

-Study finds that one out of every four homeless Americans is a Veteran.

Apparently, troop support only extends to bumper sticker use.

-Former Governor Starts Prison Term

A better question is why aren’t the rest doing so?

-Good Hygiene Can Stop Staph Infections

It prevents a host of other things too.

-Passenger Plane Forced to Land After Engine Falls Off

Yep, that’s how gravity works!

-Reagan Library Can’t Locate Thousands of Items

Institutional Alzheimer’s suspected.

-Priest Arrested for Stalking Conan O’Brien

The next Catholic Scandal?

-Georgia Governor Prays for Rain

Georgia citizens pray for new policies

-Fred Thompson Returns to Television

Finally, a politician who recognizes his true calling?

-Michael Jackson Says He Ignores Negative Stories

…as would any child molester

-Man Breaks Into Church, Calls Sex Line

…shortening the distance between sin and penance