Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tax and Spenders

“Tax and spend”…”Tax and spend”…”Tax and spend”! That’s all my Republican friends jeer at me when I try to talk about fiscal responsibility in government these days. They know it gets under my skin since I’m a diehard Democrat. I wish I could think of a three-syllable phrase that would do the same to them, but nothing short of a few, choice cuss words comes to mind and friends generally don’t lob epithets at one another. Most of the time I simply console myself with the notion that three words is the extent of their debating prowess.

It’s a historical fact is that since the income tax was established in the early part of the 20th century every President, both Democrat and Republican, has taxed the American people. Every President, both Democrat and Republican has spent taxpayer dollars. Thus, every President since the establishment of the income tax has been a “tax and spender”.

“Don’t tax but spend”…”Don’t tax but spend”…”Don’t tax but spend”! You have to admit, those words just don’t roll off your tongue like “Tax and spend” does.