Thursday, November 1, 2007

Sex, Lies & Whatever Follows the Loss of Integrity

I remember quite vividly a discussion I had with a group of Republican friends during the Clinton Impeachment hearings and how they were quite eager for Clinton’s ouster. Nobody wanted to hear my argument that lying about sex, even under oath, wasn’t what the framers envisioned as a ‘high crime or misdemeanor’ – the constitutional prerequisite for removal from office. I sensed then, as I still believe today, that Clinton’s impeachment hearings had little to do with constitutional issues and everything to do with the Republican Congress’ dissatisfaction with him personally and his policy agenda.

One of my friends best summarized the position when she stated, “Look, the guy flat out lied. He’s got no integrity and if you’re going to be President of the United States, you’ve got to have integrity and tell the truth. Otherwise, nobody can trust what you say, you’ve got no moral authority and there’s no way you can lead.”

My friend’s position didn’t address the constitutional question I was trying to defend, but I couldn’t refute the claim she made, and as much as I admired Clinton for the work he did as President, it didn’t remove the sting of truth behind my friend’s comment.

Years later, the shoe is now on the other foot.

For going on seven years, President Bush has systematically lied to the American people, ranging from the justification for going to war in Iraq, to the use of torture against prisoners and the circumstances surrounding government surveillance on its own citizens.

Some of my Republican friends now find themselves similarly disturbed at the lack of integrity displayed by President Bush, but others have taken a more dismissive attitude towards his lies and deception, claiming such behavior was justified to preserve national security. The latter claim rings hollow!

The steady stream of lies emanating from President Bush and his Administration have deprived the President of genuine moral authority, not just in the eyes of a majority of Americans, but a majority of the world as well. The President has lost his integrity, and while that’s not a constitutional justification for removal from office, the man clearly can’t lead…and that’s everyone’s loss.