Saturday, November 3, 2007

Family Values

With all the political rhetoric flying around this election season concerning who does and who does not honor “family values” the last thing folks probably want to read is another piece on the subject, but before you move on ask yourself this question: “What is your definition of family values?

I put the question to about twenty friends and acquaintances, my group pretty well spilt between Democrats and Republicans. Here’s the list I compiled, in no particular order:

--Honoring God,
--Keeping one’s word,
--Telling the truth,
--Respecting the rights and beliefs of others,
--Sharing what we have,
--Paying our debts,
--Protecting children and those who cannot fend for themselves,
--Being law abiding,
--Learning from mistakes,
--Saving for a rainy day,
--Being reliable and dependable

If these are the true “family values”, it appears as if neither political party holds a monopoly over them!