Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Armed Guards at the Church Door

Your heart has to go out to the victims of the recent Colorado church shootings and to their families as the never ending cycle of violence that perpetrates this world continues, seemingly unabated. But it's somewhat troubling to consider that some Christian churches are now posting armed guards at their door, and that, at the New Life Church in Colorado where the second shooting occurred the other day, one of the church's armed guards might have fired the fatal shot that killed the troubled shooter.

It's bad enough that this country's fascination with guns has led to an ever-escalating stream of violence; what's worse is that it's led some Christian Churches to abandon the central core of Christ's teaching - non-violence, even in the face of violence - in favor of self-protection.

It's a sad day for the families and victims in Colorado...it's a sad time for the rest of us!