Wednesday, December 19, 2007

More Dirt from the White House

It shouldn't surprise anyone that White House lawyers would be involved in discussions with the C.I.A. regarding the destruction of videotapes taken of interrogation sessions where high-level terrorist suspects were tortured with waterboarding. The tapes, had they been released, would have turned the stomachs of most Americans, not to mention the rest of the world, and would have provided conclusive proof that, in fact, America does engage in torture and that the President and his Administration have boldly and consistently lied about that fact.

Despite the "official" contention that the tapes were destroyed to protect the identities of CIA interrogators and their families, that fact is...the tapes were destroyed to cover up lies. You'd expect Bush Administration lawyers to be at the forefront of those efforts since this Administration has been the most secretive administration in U.S. history. It's also been the most adamant in pursuing the notion that the Executive Branch is above the law.

As long as the American people allow the lies to continue, the Bush Administration will keep telling them.