Monday, December 3, 2007

Three Cheers for Democratic Voters in Venezuela

Here's to the Pro-Democracy voters in Venezuela who defeated a referundum to grant current Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, near dictatorial powers for the remainder of his life. Here's to the rest of the world for allowing Venezuelans to decide their own destiny!

Make no mistake, at some point in the future, Hugo Chavez will try again to officially transform his position as President of Venezuela into supreme dictator, but for now, a majority of voters, albeit a slim one, have decided otherwise.

In the meantime, it behooves the rest of mankind to remember that nature abhors a vaccuum. Men like Chavez fill that void in the political world because "salt-of-the-earth" working people all too often find themselves without a voice, and will follow almost anybody they believe will empower them.

In their hearts, most people want to be free to determine their own future, but freedom means little if one cannot put food on the table for one's family.

Economic repression is just a dictatorial as political oppression. That's why Chavez took power in the first place. Fortunately, Venezuelan voters recognized that the opposite is true as well.