Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Ron Paul Money Machine

You’d think that at this point in his campaign, with his polling numbers being what they are, Ron Paul would be rolling up the tent and making plans for a nice, long winter vacation in the Caribbean, but that doesn’t appear to be happening as the “3rd-tier” Republican presidential candidate keeps raking in the dough. Apparently, there’s a hard-core element out there betting on Paul’s long shot chances and they’re willing to place their bets on the table. Who knows, in the “candidate-of-the-month” derby the Republicans got going, Ron Paul might even get to take his turn in the driver’s seat. Stranger things have happened.

Ron likes to rail against immigrants, as all the Republican candidates are doing these days, but his stance against the Iraq War and his anti-government rhetoric touch a nerve with lots of Republicans who oppose the war, but just can’t bring themselves to support any Democrat, no matter what their name, race or gender.

Ron Paul is the “old school” Republican candidate; that’s pre-Reagan and pre-Moral Majority. There must be a lot of Republicans out there who still yearn for that type of candidate, because the money keeps flowing into Paul’s coffers. As long as it does, you can bet that Ron Paul won’t be taking any vacations.