Tuesday, January 8, 2008

In Remembrance

A very dear friend was taken from this world on Sunday, the tragic victim of domestic violence at the hands of her estranged husband. She is survived by a seventeen year old daughter, Tiffany. The following is my memorial to this woman, whose dream of a happier life was cut short by a senseless act of violence:

Sometimes, ordinary women summon extraordinary courage to transform lives; and sometimes, those women pay for their courage with their own life. Tammy was one of those women.

Sometimes, ordinary women find the extraordinary courage to free themselves from the yoke of emotional abuse and domestic violence; and sometimes, the violence consumes them anyway. Tammy was one of those women.

Sometimes, ordinary women find the extraordinary courage to dream for a better life, a happier life, a safer life, a calmer life, a more rewarding life; and sometimes, that dream is extinguished in the blink of an eye with nary a rhyme or reason. Tammy was one of those women.

Sometimes, ordinary women find the extraordinary courage to teach their offspring that hope can be found in the midst of utter desolation, that resolve and determination can give rise to hope for a better tomorrow and that a life lived by one’s own choice, no matter how short, is far superior to a lifetime of living according to the will of another. Tammy was one of those women

And sometimes, extraordinary courage transforms ordinary women into extraordinary women. Tammy was one of those women too.

She loved her daughter. She treasured her family. She cherished her friends. She yearned for a happier life – a dream unfortunately cut short – but by her courage she planted a seed that is Tiffany’s hope and a reminder to us all that courage to take the first step is truly extraordinary.

God Bless us All!