Thursday, January 31, 2008

Common Sense Security Finally Begins

Long overdue improved security measures were commenced at this Nation's borders today when new State Department rules concerning the forms of ID needed to gain entry into the country finally went into effect. The media is reporting that officials at the State Department say enforcement will not be strict at first, which is disappointing to say the least, but the action to improve security at the borders is a welcomed sign nonetheless. Once full enforcement is implimented, we can all breathe a little easier.

That's not to say that the new rules will end outside threats. Nothing can be farther from the truth. What the rules do represent though, is a major common-sense improvement in how we scrutinize those coming into this Counrty. The new rules represent a significant step in protecting our Nation without unnecessary infringement on the lives of those who cross our borders.

That's something we can all celebrate.