Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bush/Cheney Rap Sheets Get Another Entry

Wth three DUI's between them, and offices in the White House on their resume, one might have figured that the criminal rap sheets of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were as long as they were going to get, but apparently not! The Vermont towns of Brattleboro and Marlboro voted yesterday to press criminal charges against Bush and Cheney for "violation of the U.S. Constitution".

No doubt, the media today will focus heavily on Hillary Clinton's big primary wins in Texas and Ohio, but the Vermont towns' symbolic gesture deserves top-billing as a step, albeit one of questionable Constitutional legality, towards holding both the President and the Vice-President accountable for their systematic dismantling of the rights, privileges and protections guaranteed to all citizens by the U.S. Constitution.

While the charge of "crimes against humanity" would have been more apt, considering this Administration's immoral invasion in Iraq, the charge of crimes against the U.S. Constitution will suffice to put historians on notice that, far from being protectors of the pillars of our national foundation, Bush and Cheney were leaders in the campaign to tear it down.

For those efforts, both deserve to have their rap sheets lengthened.