Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A New Peddler of Hate Video

Ayman al-Zawahri, Al Qaeda’s second-in-command to Osama bin Laden, just released a new video wherein he bemoans a recent U.S. missile attack in Pakistan’s North Waziristan province that killed several of Al Qaeda’s top leaders. As is normal for videos released by the Al Qaeda leader, al-Zawahri lashed out in a diatribe against the United States and he promised more brutal and senseless violence in retaliation for U.S. efforts against his terrorist organization.

Of particular interest to me was the backdrop in al-Zawahri’s latest video, a loaded bookshelf like one would see in a huckster personal injury lawyer ad – designed to convey a sense of importance, but essentially a shelf full of knowledge and wisdom never consumed.

How appropriate that a purveyor of perversion and violence like al-Zawahri would expose himself as the huckster he is; a man whose character amounts to little more than a wretched old soul appearing before a fake backdrop.

There is no substance to al-Zawahri’s message, no wisdom in his words, no redeeming social value in his cause.

Hate and killing sow no crop worth reaping.